St. Catherine Hospital

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Dragan Primorac gave a lecture at a congress 'The future...

Dragan Primorac, president of the Board of Trustees – St. Catherine Hospital, a renowned Croatian physician, scientist and world geneticist and forensic scientist, at the Congress  “Future of the healthcare industry” on October 20th 2015, noted the important role of regenerative medicine, which is nowadays one of the biggest challenges...

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Prof. Dragan Primorac and Davor Šuker, president of the Croatian...

Prof Dragan Primorac and Davor Šuker, president of the Croatian Football Federation after the signing of the contract with the St. Catherine Hospital, according to which St. Catherine Hospital is the official hospital of Croatian Football Federation. On that occasion Prof. Primorac wished all the best to the president Šuker...

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European commission awarded prof. Dragan Primorac and prof Gordan Lauc...

1173 research consortiums for all European countries applied to the European commission grant in the field of medicine in 2012 and only 10% of them were selected as the ones that will be financed hence the approval of this project is proof that it is possible to conduct research work...

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1st European-American Spine and Chronic Pain Symposium 2012

We invite you to join us at the 1st European-American Spine and Chronic Pain Symposium and Workshops Bol, Island of Brac, Croatia, September 14-16, 2012. The conference is first in the series of biennial events organized by the World Institute of Pain, USA; St. Catherine Hospital, Croatia; Carolinas Pain Institute,...

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