Summit Series

Media , News

Prof. Dragan Primorac and Sir Richard Branson, Summit Series in...

Prof. Dragan Primorac successfully participated at an event of Summit Series – an American organization that brings together the new leaders of the world of today from the ranks of US politicians, businessmen and public figures. The Summit was organized in Miami and was hosted by the most prominent world leaders...


Primorac na susretu novih svjetskih lidera

5. travnja 2011. VL Elita na okupu Putovat će brodom i raspravljati o krizama Primorac na susretu novih svjetskih lider Na samit se može samo s pozivnicom. Bivši ju je hrvatski ministar zaradio svojim vlastitim radom, ali i zahvaljujući pomoći američko-izraelskog lobija Dragan Primorac, bivši ministar znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta,...

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