Ulf Fink

Media , News

Professor Primorac meets with Senator Ulf Fink and Daniel Bahr,...

One of the Europe’s most important medical congresses, the “13 Europäischer Gesundheitskongress” took place between the 30 September and 1 October 2014 in Munich with the Republic of Croatia as Germany’s partner state. The topic on the agenda of the congress was healthcare as the foundations of economic development. Germany...

Media , News

Prof. Dragan Primorac with German Senator Ulf Fink in Berlin

Senator Fink congratulated Prof. Primorac on his new book of forensic DNA analysis. The book describes in detail for the first time, some of the most important cases in the U.S., including, the ''World Trade Center Remains Identification Project.'' It is also the first book in forensic science to comprehensively...

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